New Panasonic Lumix GF7 offering hands-free selfie mode
It’s the latest small, light system camera to get in on the front-flipping screen craze

Panasonic has unveiled the latest addition to its Lumix G series of mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras and – surprise, surprise – it’s being talked-up as a potential selfie machine.
The Lumix GF7 sports a 3in LCD screen that flips up a full 180 degrees (meaning you can hold the camera pointing towards you and still see yourself on the display) and is designed to be easily visible in all sorts of lighting conditions, you see – but that’s not the only feature that’ll appeal to self-shooters.
READ MORE: Panasonic Lumix GH4 4K camera review
Look Ma, no hands!

Nope, this camera also offers a hands-free shooting mode, which means the dreaded “selfie arm” syndrome won’t afflict your photos, as well as a bunch of auto-edit modes that make you look better: Soft Skin, Slimming (yes, really) and Defocusing, which defocusses (duh) the background around your face.
The Panasonic Lumix GF7, which works with all Micro Four Thirds lenses, comes with a 16MP sensor, full HD movie shooting in AVCHD or MP4 formats and Wi-Fi. It’ll be available to buy from March 2015, priced at around £440 with a wide-angle 12-32mm zoom lens.
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