20 of the best apps for iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus
Got a shiny new Apple smartphone? Then you’ll want to fill it with these 20 essential apps

Got a shiny new Apple smartphone? Then you’ll want to fill it with these 20 essential apps
Reports of self-eliminating iPhones spread online
Last year’s 10 million was tops, and now the 6s and 6s Plus are expanding worldwide
That’s twice the amount found in the iPhone 6, in case you weren’t counting
We help you to not make up your mind about iOS 9 by pointing out its pros and its cons
To buy or not to buy. That is the question
Even cold mechanical hearts can’t resist the new iPhone
Has everything really changed for the iPhone 6s? Stuff’s verdict is in
Get the week started with a fresh blast of top tech news
Apple wants everyone to upgrade, but you’ll need 1.3GB free on your device to do so
Apple says overall 6s preorders are high, and the larger model is already harder to get
All the tech news you need to get this week started off right