PlayStation Now game streaming is coming to selected Sony TVs next week
US residents with compatible Bravia tellies will soon be able to play PS3 games – no console required
US residents with compatible Bravia tellies will soon be able to play PS3 games – no console required
Destiny’s alpha will launch on PS4 on Thursday June 12, but we got the chance to give it a play ahead of E3. And we’ve got hands-on video footage too…
Android and iOS microphone app also works on PS3, and it’s due out this autumn
Jens Matthies, creative director at MachineGames, explains how he and his team rebooted the FPS classic
PS3 also getting Sky Go compatibility as a result of new deal
No PlayStation 4 yet? These tips and tricks will give your PS3 such a lease of life that you won’t need one
A new design process has resulted a new kind of Toyota – and you can drive it in Gran Turismo 6 today!
UPDATE: now with hands-on impressions
With a helpless lead character and invisible baddies unveiled only by the constant deluge, you won’t have played anything like it
Quantic Dream’s CEO on the inspiration behind his 2,000-page script, indie games and why he always comes back to interactive storytelling
Rumour has it Sony could snip the PS3’s price at the same time as launching the PS4