Raspberry Pi’s latest is a cheap Mac mini alternative inside a keyboard
The Raspberry Pi 500 is an upgraded all-in-one desktop computer that lives in your keyboard with 8GB of RAM

The Raspberry Pi 500 is an upgraded all-in-one desktop computer that lives in your keyboard with 8GB of RAM
Didn’t think we’d get a Raspberry Pi 5 in 2023? Here’s some Pi in your face
Technology. It just works! Except when it doesn’t. And that way either lies glee or frustration…
$6 microboard wants to be the brains for your next hardware and coding projects
There’s a whiff of nostalgia as I free the Raspberry Pi 400 from its cardboard confines. Being a computer inside a keyboard, it’s part 1980s throwback, recalling the halcyon days of the C64, ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro and Commodore Amiga. But this is no chunky contraption — instead, the device resembles a modern (if cheap) PC […]
Less money, more work – Amazon posts official DIY plans
We celebrate four years of the Raspberry Pi by looking back at some of its best capabilities
Two years in the making, there’s now an official 7in screen available for the DIY computer
Want a smart thermostat on the cheap? You can make your own for less than £50 with a Raspberry Pi
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