Huawei’s AI Cube is here to take on your Echo
Speak performance

Now the world is (finally) officially comfortable with yapping away at a glowing block of plastic, everyone wants to get in on the smart speaker action. We’ve just seen Samsung announce one, Sony has entered the ring, and today it’s the turn of Huawei. The AI Cube is a two-in-one speaker and – handily – 4G router for your home. For the latter, just plug in a 4G SIM and you’re good to go. Alexa is built-in, illuminating blue just like an Echo when you call for her and giving you access to her entire set of skills and general smart Home conducting. On the audio side, the minimalist white cylinder (note: not a cube) supports Huawei’s own Huawei Histen tech, which enhances sound and adds virtual bass. Far-field mics ensure you won’t have to scream yourself senseless to get the speaker’s attention. We await pricing and release date.