Chris is a digital assistant designed specifically for phone-attached drivers
Eyes on the road

Chris. He’s your barber, your cousin, your sister’s new boyfriend and the guy with the questions on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? And pretty soon, he might just be joining the slightly more memorably named Alexa, Siri and Cortana in your family of digital assistants. Chris (£299) is a bit different, though, in that it’s designed to be used while driving. Once paired to your smartphone (which should now remain firmly in your pocket at all times), you can use Chris to receive and reply to messages, make calls, listen to music and follow directions. You communicate with the device through a combination of voice and gesture controls, and by glancing at the colour screen when you’re able to. The navigation remains functional offline, too, so you won’t have to worry about getting lost on a countryside drive. Pick one up on Amazon right now, but bear in mind that Chris is an Android-only device right now, with iOS support due to arrive later in the year.