8BitDo’s latest wireless pad is designed for on-the-go Xbox gaming
Head in the xCloud

However you choose to play video games, you can be pretty sure that 8BitDo has a controller for your needs. And as Microsoft gears up for its next-gen push towards high-end game streaming, 8BitDo has restyled its SN30 Pro Bluetooth pad accordingly. With the controller, you can play Xbox games on Android tablets and phones, streaming them straight from the Redmond company’s platform, still going by the name of Project xCLoud at the time of writing. The pad still looks like a stylish SNES controller tribute act, but now comes with Xbox styling, including the familiar central Guide button. The SN30 Pro for Android ($45) will last for 16 hours between charges, and 8BitDo allows all you Halo devotees to remap the buttons and adjust the sensitivity of the triggers and sticks. If you prefer the full-size Xbox Series X gamepad, 8BitDo is also launching a new clip that it says will accommodate the widest array of smartphones possible. Both products can be pre-ordered now.