The Blast! family is a set of HDMI dongles that infuse retro-gaming goodness into your telly
Blasts from the past

You fancy getting your retro-game on, but it’s a faff to dust off an old console and figure out how to connect it to your widescreen telly. Cue: the Blast! series (from $19.99; UK pricing TBC). Each pack comprises an HDMI dongle and a wireless controller. Most are packed with ancient Atari 2600 hits like Adventure, but vol. 3 goes paddle-based with Pong and chums, and there’s an entire set dedicated to Activision fare. For more casual retro-gamers, the two arcade offerings are a better bet: Legends Flashback Blast! includes Space Invaders along with 11 other titles, while Bandai Namco Flashback Blast! bundles eight arcade classics, including Pac-Man, Galaga and Dig Dug. Every Blast! has save/load/rewind functionality, too, and so with enough effort and patience you can finally defeat Adventure or see that Pac-Man kill-screen you’ve dreamed of reaching since 1981.