Classic footie game Sensible Soccer gets extra time, reborn as Sociable Soccer
A funny old game

In the 1990s, Sensible Soccer and sequel SWOS eschewed realism, instead bringing to your Amiga the feeling of how you imagined playing professional footie would be. Its zoomed-out pitch enabled pixel-perfect passing, in a streamlined, responsive, expansive take on the beautiful game. Spiritual successor Sociable Soccer aims to boot a similarly scorching fusion of arcade playability, simplicity, fun, and long-term mastery into the top-left corner. It’s on Steam’s Early Access now (PC, £14.99), with PS4, Xbox One and mobile versions likely to follow. Although there’s a modern concession in the game’s angled 3D viewpoints, they’re optional. So you can still use a resolutely old-school top-down view to blaze about in a majestic flurry of pinball-like football, before blazing your shot clear over the bar like a numpty.