Genki Covert Dock is a tiny HDMI charger-sized gadget to connect your Switch to any telly
Makes the right connections

That you can play Switch games on the telly is great. That doing so requires a bulky, fragile dock is not – especially if you’re on the move. But what if said dock could be the size of a charger – and also a charger? If you’re thinking “too good to be true”, clap your eyes on Genki Covert Dock ($49). The sneaky ‘covert’ bit is it looks like a wall charger, but plug in your Switch, connect it to a TV via the HDMI port, and you’ll be in big-screen gaming bliss before someone can say “you forgot your Switch Dock, you massive idiot”. The additional USB-A port lets you connect more stuff to your Switch, and native Switch charging means your pride and joy won’t be bricked. It’ll work with Android and iOS devices, and some notebooks, too, meaning you can switch to a smaller bag for lugging all your stuff about.