Lexip puts raw power in the palm of a gamer’s hand by shoving two joysticks inside of a mouse
Game changer

Competitive advantage is everything when it comes to gaming, and the creators of Lexip (from €99) reckon they’ve cracked the ultimate input device, largely by mashing two of them together. At a glance, Lexip looks like the sort of vaguely sci-fi black mouse gamers tend to favour; but the entire shell tilts, effectively becoming a joystick, and there’s a tiny second joystick where your thumb rests. This means faster object selection, whether building in Minecraft or blowing things up in Generic FPS XII, and greater precision in everything from racing games to CAD. Because everyone’s different, all aspects of the mouse’s inputs can be customised, and there are even plans to cater for lefties. Gaming-obsessed polar bears: rejoice!