RetroStone is an indie handheld that wants you and your friends to rediscover classic videogames

Another retro-gaming console? Yes, but hang on, because we reckon the RetroStone (€129) is a bit special. For a start, it looks the part – like a fat Game Boy that also wants to be a SNES. But specs-wise, this unit does really interesting stuff. The custom board was specifically designed for the handheld form factor. It’s compatible with RetrOrangePi, but can double as a quirky desktop PC if you plug it into your telly and add a keyboard. And with four USB ports for controllers and HDMI out, you and your friends can huddle around the telly and rediscover the joys of old games. At least until someone is smacked by a red shell on the home straight, gets in a huff, and takes an actual stone (i.e. a massive rock) to the RetroStone.