The Lumos smart bike helmet now has automated brake lights and Apple Watch activated indicators
Brake time
If you’re the kind of cyclist forever jealous of cars, what with their fancy indicators and brake lights, Lumos (£149.99) offers a solution. Crowdfunded back in 2015, it integrates 48 LEDs into a cycle helmet. When you slow down, the red LEDs at the back light up, making you more visible to cars behind. There are indicators, too, triggered using a handlebar-mounted button device, or – in the latest update – gestures by way of hand signals on the arm housing your Apple Watch. There’s now Strava and Apple Health integration, too, for sickeningly healthy cyclists who want to track their journeys. No news yet, though, as to a mode to make the red LEDs blaze back and forth, so you can pretend you’re an angry two-wheeled Cylon (or KITT as reimagined for a cars-free future).