Plush design meets high-end audio with Meze Audio’s Liric headphones

Heavy-weight sonic stars
Hand-assembled in Romania, the planar magnetic Liric headphones offer an open-back design crafted from magnesium, leather and aluminium. They’re no lightweight when it comes to heft at 391g and nor where all things audio are concerned.
The Liric MZ4 driver is tuned to deliver a similar audio experience to the top-range Empyrean headphones which almost have as many accolades as The Beatles have number 1 hits.
This, paired with the closed-back design enables spatial audio and clarity of sound, all while external noise is kept at a minimum.
The patent-pending technology of the MZ4 driver helps improve the accuracy of spatial imaging by dealing with the different wavelengths of sound which are penetrating the same fibres.

Meze Audio claims the Liric headphones are aimed at: “discerning audiophiles who want to enjoy their passion both in and outside the house or while commuting, with comfort levels to ensure they can be listened to for hours on end.”
Sound like you? Available to pre-order now and priced at £1850 / $2000 / €2000, it might mean you need to really sit and think about it first.