The LG 360 CAM vs indoor skydiving
LG’s super-snapper is a real all-rounder – find out why its stills and video never miss a thing

Ever since Joseph Nicéphore Niépce exposed a plate covered with light-sensitive bitumen to produce the first-ever photograph in 1826, and Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre picked up the ball and ran with it with his daguerreotypes, humans have been obsessed with documenting the world through a lens.
Lately, of course, we’ve been more concerned with documenting our own faces in increasing detail and quantity – and then posting them to Facebook. But the impulse to capture the moment has never waned.
For the past 190 years we’ve been largely confined to two dimensions. The picture is stuck on whatever the person with the camera was pointing it at (which, let’s face it, isn’t always the right thing to point a camera at). But now, thanks to gadgets such as the LG 360 CAM, anyone can capture everything that surrounds them at any given time.
Like 360-degree video, 360-degree photography has been gathering momentum thanks to the likes of Google Street View. It’s immersive, and interactively scrolly-aroundy – and it captures every bit of action surrounding the snapper. But the cameras used to make these pictures have traditionally been monstrous – they’re mounted on cars, or formed of weird Heath Robinson contraptions that stitch many images together… or they require strong people to heave them around to shooting locations.
LG doesn’t think you should need a team of professionals to take a 360 snap, which is why it’s put all its miniature-camera expertise into producing the LG 360 CAM – one of the LG G5 smartphone’s new Friends.

The 360 CAM is a spherical camera that captures either full 360-degree or 180-degree images. Its dual 13-megapixel fisheye lenses can shoot 16MP stills or 30fps 2K video, and it’s all controllable from your G5 smartphone (which includes a live view of what the camera sees).
Best of all, Facebook supports 360-degree video natively, while 360-degree photo support is coming soon – so you can upload it to your feed and watch all those thumbs-up reactions transform themselves into that little amazed face.
So, whether you’re on a cruise, on the ski-slope, at a gig or floating up and down a giant tube with a fan in it, you’ll be able to capture every single moment of the action and then watch it back as if you’re there again.
For more information on the LG 360 CAM, click here >>