Samsung Bespoke Jet Bot Combo goes full steam ahead towards clean floors
Samsung Bespoke Jet Bot Combo sucks and mops, with a steam-powered secret weapon onboard

The age of steam, when men with complicated facial hair and funny hats discovered how to power trains, ships and other machinery using a hot mist of ex-water, ended over 100 years ago, but Samsung plans to usher in another one on the back of its Bespoke Jet Bot Combo.
Rather than using steam to power its wheels, this autonomous floor cleaner has a secret weapon that it deploys when it encounters a particularly stubborn stain. The Samsung Bespoke Jet Bot Combo falls back to its base station and heats up its mop with hot water and steam, before returning to the scene of the crime and spinning up the hot pads to 170rpm to wipe out the offending dirt once and for all.
It doesn’t just use steam to clean your floors either. A three-step process washes and dries the mop pads at the base station and then uses a blast of steam to stop them from smelling like hot bins.
AI Floor Detect means it knows when to switch to suction power to clean the carpets instead, plus there’s also AI Object Recognition so it can dodge any bits and bobs that’ve been left in its path. Those AI skills are also used to map out its territory, and if it finds any areas that it thinks it should steer clear of it’ll automatically suggest designating them as no-go zones. All it’s missing is an extravagant moustache and a stovepipe hat.
Samsung hasn’t revealed a price or launch date for the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo combo yet, but check back for more news from CES when the show starts properly next week.