August’s View video doorbell makes it a cinch to see who’s there
No more knock knock

Door-to-door sellers must rue the day the video doorbell was invented. Take August’s new View (US$230) for example. With 1440p video and two-way audio streamed to the occupant’s phone every time somebody rings the bell, what are the chances of ever getting them to actually answer the door? Powered by rechargeable battery and with no pesky wires to deal with the slimline View is a cinch to fit, plus it comes with eight different faceplates so you can make sure it matches your door’s decor. There’s also motion detection but you’ll need a subscription to store recorded video, and while it’ll work with August’s smart locks so you can let people in remotely, you’ll need an American-style fitting on your front door to use one. Still, it could be worse. You could be a door-to-door video-doorbell seller.