The Ember Ceramic Mug puts an end to tepid tea with temperature control trickery
A patient cuppa

Tech can’t solve all of life’s imperfections, but it sure can eliminate some daily niggles, such as slightly too cold tea. Cold because you were suddenly rushed into a meeting and hot tea waits for no sucker. The Ember Ceramic mug connects to the Ember app and will allow you to control the temperature of your hot beverage down to the exact degree. A fully charged mug will keep a drink at the desired temperature for about one hour or, if used with the included charging coaster, all day. The best way to make enemies at work is by making temperature demands on the tea they’ve kindly offered to make you, so if you like a green tea at 50°c, prefer English breakfast at 60°c and coffee at 62.5°c with 1/5 teaspoon of sugar and then blessed by St Paul, you can create some of those pre-sets here and it’s probably best you keep those kind of preferences to yourself. Pick one up this Christmas for £79.95.