Haier’s I-Pro Series 5 is a Wi-Fi washing machine for smarter spin cycles
Sync and soak

One day you’ll be able to AirDrop your dirty laundry without so much as touching a sock. Until then, Haier’s I-Pro Series 5 (£449) lets you connect to cleaner clothes from the comfort of your sofa. Download the hOn partner app and you’ll find some 60 specialised cycles on your smartphone. Not sure where to start? Scan a label using the Washing Lens for suggested settings – so no more shrunken jumpers. Or for an even simpler rinse and spin, let AI take the strain: drop up to 10kg of dirties into the drum and it’ll detect the weight and type of fabric, before tweaking the cycle to suit. Each program can be customised, with the option to check weather conditions before launching a load, as well as adjusting duration to fit with your diary. Consult the app for real-time status reports while the silent Direct Motion Motor does its work, as well as reliability and maintenance updates. And with anti-bacterial and dual-spray cleaning systems built-in, there’s no risk of nasties lurking in the detergent drawer.