The Livin smart shower that knows everything about you (except how to reach that one bit on your back)
Livin on the edge? Livin on a prayer? Try a Livin Shower

Finding the elusive nanodegree between ‘scalding’ and ‘showerable’ ruining your morning lavation? Smarten your shower for good in 15 minutes with the few tools included in this next-level head and unit. Pair the Livin Shower with Alexa and Spotify to create shower “recipes” for you and up to nine others – no, not all at once. Bark “Prepare my shower” at your Echo, for example, and it heats water to your favourite temperature, pauses the flow and notifies you via the app when it’s time to hop in and get singing. The app also records water consumption and, as the unit display bids you fond farewell, your Nest thermostat can pre-cosy up your room, quashing post-shower chills. Currently on KickStarter to pre-order for $599 (£420), Livin hopes to be showering down on us by October.