Magware wants to help eliminate single-use plastics with funky magnetic cutlery
Forking brilliant

There’s no quick fix for tackling the pressing issue of plastic pollution, but everyone can do their part by making small lifestyle changes. For instance, we could all be doing more to eliminate single-use plastics from our lives, and Magware wants to help us do precisely that with its new range of modular lightweight cutlery. Designed to be used time and time again, the company’s new Magnetic Flatware ($34) series comprises a set of interconnected aluminium cutlery that should eliminate the need for disposable knifes, forks, and spoons. The funky, clickable cutlery can be carried wherever you go and stored with ease thanks to the bundled Hypalon pouches and magnetic connectors. Part of the broader “bring your own” movement, Magware hopes its cutlery range will take off in the same way as reusable water bottles, helping to reduce our reliance on disposables and maybe, just maybe, help save the planet.