Ovie Smarterware is a connected smart food storage system to help you reduce food waste
Food for thought

Tupperware? How very 1950s. Ovie reasons that in the modern age, what you really need is Smarterware (from $60). The system comprises SmartTags with coloured LED rings. These are attached to bagged/sealed food, and used in conjunction with the Ovie Smarterware app (and, optionally, Alexa) to track your leftovers and perishables. When you open your fridge, rings glowing green denote fresh food, yellow items should be used soon, and red should be chucked out. To avoid being faced with a slew of red rings, the Ovie app not only tracks your food, but also suggests recipes. If you’re a bit flush, ramping up your pledge adds Ovie containers and clips that SmartTags slot right into; but even the entry-level package should mean more of the food you buy finds its way to your belly rather than the bin.