Rocketbook Fusion is a reusable paper notepad that can save your scribbles to the cloud
Note to self

An endlessly useable notepad would be a godsend for a whole bunch of reasons. For starters, it’d be tremendous for the environment, and stop the need for mass produced paper pads that have to be lobbed in the bin, while it’d also make boring stationary shopping a thing of the past. But where would you find such a contraption? From the folks over at Rocketbook, of course! The company has just introduced the Rocketbook Fusion (£34.99), a reusable pen and paper notebook with seven page styles such as a weekly planner, to-do list, dot grids, and those classic lines we all know and love. Unlike standard pads, those pages are made from synthetic paper that can be wiped clean and reused when used in combination with with a Pilot FriXion pen, marker, or highlighter. Users can even scan pages and upload them to the cloud via the Pocketbook app and services like Dropbox, Evernote, and Google Drive, meaning your documents will stick around long after you’ve wiped the page clean. Wonderful!