The ROIDMI NEX Storm is a smart cordless vacuum that will mop about the place
It sucks – but in a good way

Cleaning’s a drag. You run a vacuum over the floor, to get rid of dirt and dust, and then wipe everything down with a mop. Roidmi Nex Storm (from £238) reasons you should do everything at once. An intelligent slow drip system slowly releases liquid to deal with the evidence of last night’s party strewn across the floor. You might think that in itself isn’t very Stuff, but the Storm adds loads of bits to elevate it in the eyes of a gadget fanatic: it’s cordless; there’s a magnetic wall-mount charger; an LED turns on when you’re cleaning in the dark; and there’s an app – because of course there is. Alas, you can’t use the app to remote-control the Storm around your flat, but it will at least give you a heads up about battery life, the current state of the filter, and whether you need to empty the vacuum before it spits up its innards all over your nice clean floor.