The Teplo is a smart tea pot that’ll brew the perfect cuppa
A whole pot of perfection

Fancy a cup of tea? Of course you do. How about one that’s been brewed to perfectly match and compliment your emotional state? Nope, we’re not yanking your train. That’s exactly what the Teplo connected tea pot has been designed to do. A gorgeous infuser with plenty of smarts, the Teplo uses built-in sensors to collect information about you and your surroundings. It then readjusts its brewing algorithm to create a truly personalised tea drinking experience. If it senses that you’re feeling tired, for instance, it’ll brew at a higher temperate to increase caffeine levels and hopefully give you an energy boost. It might sound like magic, but it’s actually just high-tech wizardry. You can find out more about the Teplo by checking out its (fully funded) Kickstarter campaign.