Your kitten will be smitten with smart companion robot Ebo and its laser pointer larks

Cats play it cool, but crave play and social interaction – a problem if you work all day. Ebo (from £120) aims to supplant you as your cat’s best friend, and that’s fair enough when you see what Ebo has to offer. The rotund robot can blast about, antagonising your kitty with a laser pointer, baffling your cat with its range of outfits, and adapting to how your pet plays by way of built-in AI. Ebo’s intelligent enough to return to its dock when running low on power, and – like your cat – always lands on its feet after taking a tumble. You can get in on the act too, remotely talking with your cat using Ebo’s mic, or by recording video and snaps, adding a silly hat, and sharing the results on social media. Although embarrass your cat one time too many and you may get home to find Ebo face down in the litter tray.