Apple’s new iMacs have up to twice as much raw power inside a familiar sleek design
Return of the iMac

It’s been nearly two years since Apple updated the standard iMac. If you’ve been impatiently tapping your watch, hoping for an upgrade, it’s time to unleash your happy dance. What you get is effectively a spec-bump, with the new models keeping their now familiar form factors and industry-leading 4K and 5K displays. But Apple’s revamped iMacs (from £1249) should nonetheless delight users who demand raw power, through up to 2.4x performance boosts on the 27in model, and up to a 60 per cent speed bump on the 21.5in. Although if you want a truly top-of-the-line iMac, prepare for your wallet to take a punch to the face – the max spec on the 27in (5K display; 8-core i9; 64GB RAM; Radeon Pro Vega 48; 2TB SSD) comes in at a whopping £4904. You’d think they’d call it an even £4900, really.