DUO is a portable second screen that slides out from your Mac or Windows notebook’s lid
One two watch

If you swear by multi-screen set-ups, you just end up swearing when out and about with your notebook, confined within the claustrophobia of a single display. Fortunately, a solution exists that doesn’t require you to lug a second screen and a really big extension lead wherever you go: DUO ($189). This gadget sticks to your notebook’s lid by magnetic adhesives. The 1080p screen then slides out for your viewing pleasure – and, optionally, other people’s too. A 180-degree swivel ‘presentation mode’ lets you show off your second screen in a meeting while having your main one still in front of you; or just confuse everyone else when working in a coffee shop by displaying on your DUO a loop of angry hedgehog images. Either option’s good.