Artibo is an affordable compact AI robot with bunny ears that wants to befriend your entire family
Your plastic pal who’s fun to be with

Artibo ($99) wants to be chums – with everyone. The little robot pipes up the second it’s turned on, and can scoot about once you connect the AI (head) block to the motor (body) block, and add a couple of wheels – the result resembling the dinky offspring of a Segway and EVE from WALL•E. Thereafter, the kids can learn to code Artibo’s movements, and chat with parents via the Artibo-to-device Walkie Talkie mode; families can learn new languages and check their schedules; and the dog can be exercised by a tiny motorised terror chasing it about. Add four bucks and you get furry bunny ears, too, so Artibo can fully adhere to Asimov’s lesser-known fourth law of robotics: A robot must wear bunny ears unless that conflicts with the first three laws, and, oh man, I shouldn’t have downed that entire bottle of gin just now.