IRL Glasses are shades designed to stop you gawping at screens all the time
Screen saver

Screens are everywhere. That’s a problem if you’re easily distracted, and have friends that don’t take too kindly to you staring transfixed at a telly for 20 minutes after they’ve asked “and what are you going to order?” If that’s you, grab some IRL Glasses ($49), which are designed to help you disconnect from a deluge of displays. The specs are stylistically inspired by those in John Carpenter flick They Live, which features sunglasses that reveals a hidden reality beneath our own, with subliminal messages lurking in media and advertising. Rather than relieving weird messages, IRL Glasses simply make screens look black. Well, mostly. They currently work with tellies and some computers, but not phones. So you’ll still have to ensure you don’t end up glued to your blower rather than TVs hanging on the wall.