Spotify Premium gets Radio for iPhone and iPad
How will Pandora top this? Spotify's artist and playlist radio feature escapes its desktop confines to roam free

You might have seen murmurings around the interwebs today of free Spotify streaming to your iPhone and iPad – sadly, that’s just for Americans. If you’re based elsewhere, you’ll still have to stump up for mobile music – for the time being.
But it’s not all bad news: anyone with a Premium Spotify sub and an iOS device can now access the previously desktop-only Radio feature. The update is expected to hit the App Store in the next couple of days, while Android support is due in a few weeks.
Like other artist radio services, you’ll have the entire Spotify catalogue at your disposal. Stations can be created based on artists, albums or playlists with skippable tracks. If you give an individual track a ‘thumbs up’ it will automatically save to a ‘Liked from Radio’ playlist so it doesn’t disappear into the rock n’ roll ether – plus Spotify will pay attention to your tastes and refine the radio accordingly over time.
As for free Radio streaming on mobile, Spotify says it’s aiming ‘to bring a free mobile radio service to Spotify users in all countries over time, subject to licensing’. So US users can stream on-the-go Spotify Radio if they’re willing to put up with limited skips and ads. Bring it over here, then.
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