Can one wristband really replace your phone, laptop and tablet?
The Neptune Suite is the future of computing, and we really, really hope it delivers

Pick up your smartphone. Now throw it away.
Take this Neptune Hub smartband. Put it on. It’s got everything you need: processor, screen, GPS, SIM card – the lot.
Stream music off it to the bundled wireless headphones (which, by the way, double up as a three-device charging cable). Use it to point the way to the nearest Chinese takeaway. Hell, make calls on it Dick Tracy-style in public, if you’re brave enough.
But if you’re not (we certainly aren’t), then that’s okay too. Because there’s a separate 5in Pocket screen you can use as an actual phone which you can use to make calls on. Like a normal person.
Brain streaming
You can, of course, use it to browse the web, run apps and play games without ruining your eyes too, and there’s even a 10in Tab screen if you want something even bigger.
The Tab and Pocket screens themselves are dumb – no processor, no Android OS. Everything is streamed from the Hub wristband, leaving more room for battery space. The Pocket screen does, however, have built-in cameras if you fancy a cheeky selfie or filtered cat shot.
Once you’re home, there’s no need to fire up your PC either. Slot the 10in screen into a keyboard dock and boom, hello laptop.
Big screen shenanigans
Streaming Archer on a 10in screen in your living room won’t do though, will it? And that’s where the Dongle comes in. It’s a Chromecast-like HDMI device which beams your Neptune experience to the big screen.
Phone, tablet, laptop, camera, media centre, games console. All that on your wrist, in a package that’ll set you back US$900 (or slightly cheaper if you get in early on Indiegogo).
We’ve been burnt before…
It’s the future, and one that’s been predicted for a long time. A single device which can transform into whatever you want, in an instant. And, well, it sounds too good to be true.
We’ve been burnt before. Remember the Motorola Atrix/Lapdock combo? It was a slow, clunky, horribly implemented nightmare, and while the Neptune Suite promises the ultimate solution, our broken hearts have hardened over the years.
Technology has moved on however, and we can’t judge until we’ve thoroughly tested out the entire lot ourselves, so we’re going to remain tentatively optimistic for the time being, until we find out for certain after its estimated Febuary 2016 release date.
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