Commodore to door
In shock news, the mighty Commodore has returned and this time in eminently pocketable form. Check out the PMC30 media player it's touting

‘Unexpected’ was definitely the word for what took place just minutes ago. Like a phoenix from the flames, computing legend Commodore summarily resurrected itself while also sticking its legendary oar into the portable media player arena in the comely form of the PMC30.
A capacious, nay, rapacious 30GB hard drive gobbles down MP4, DivX 5.0 and WMV9 files, while also despatching MP3, AAC, WMA and little known G726 audio files with aplomb, whatever a plomb is.
A 3.6inch colour TFT screen provides the perfect conduit for visual hijinks and a claimed 5-hour battery life for video playback and 9 hours for audio sweetens an already saccharine pill still further. Stay tuned for more details as and when we receive them…