Fully Charged: Kazam’s cut-price 4G phone and Dyson does curling
Kick off your Friday the right way – with our round-up of all that’s happening in tech

Kazam adds 4G to its cut-price Thunder phone
UK smartphone maker Kazam has unveiled a second edition of its affordable Thunder handset – and this time it’s packing 4G LTE. Aside from its speedier data connection, the Thunder2 4.5L is pretty much the same as the original model: a stock Android OS; 4.5in 854 x 480 screen; Snapdragon 400 processor; 1GB of RAM; and 8GB of expandable storage.
Kazam hasn’t announced a price for the Thunder2 yet, but we expect it to be well under £200.
[Source: Engadget]
READ MORE: Kazam Tornado 2 5.0 hands on
The Walking Dead Season 2 second episode coming soon

Telltale Games has revealed that the second episode of The Walking Dead Season 2 will be available in early March. The episode will be entitled “A House Divided”, and Telltale says a trailer will be released next week. In the meantime, the developer tweeted three screenshots to whet your zombie-killing appetite.
[Source: Twitter]
Dyson does curling
Every time the Winter Olympics rolls around again, everybody goes mad for curling – and fancy vacuum cleaner maker Dyson is no exception. The company showed off its love for the bizarre bowls-meets-sweeping-on-ice sport by engaging in a spot of amateur curling using a Dyson DC59 vacuum instead of a broom. Does it work? Check out the video above to find out.
READ MORE: Dyson’s greatest inventions, from the Ballbarrow to the Airblade
Xbox One beta program will let users roadtest updates

Microsoft will allow Xbox One users to test out major system updates ahead of launch. A beta program will give “select” Xbox Live members advance access to new features, and Microsoft will ask that in return they provide feedback.
Microsoft has just rolled out a February update for the Xbox One and says the next will be coming in early March.
[Source: GameSpot]