iPhone 6 to get curved glass screen?
The iPhone 5 hasn't even surfaced and we're already discussing the iPhone 6
The iPhone 5 hasn’t even made its debut and talk of its successor is already doing the rounds. Specifically, the rumours – courtesy of DigiTimes – are speculating that Apple’s design team is working on a new iOS device with a curved glass screen, to join the likes of the Nexus S. This means we could be faced with a curvesome iPhone, or iPad – or more excitingly, both – next year.
This curvy speculation serves to back up rumours we heard in May regarding the Apple purchase of 200-300 glass-cutting machines that specialise in curved screens and the possibility of implementing a curved glass screen into the iPhone 5.
This time round, the rumour is that Apple is helping display manufacturers purchase the necessary equipment they need to produce curved glass displays. While it looks like the boat to incorporate a curved display in the iPhone 5’s design has been missed, its successor, however, could be treated to a new curvaceous look in 2012. Once we get over all the iPhone 5 excitement next week, all we can do is play the waiting game. Again.
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