Noke: a padlock you open with a phone, not a key
Bluetooth and an Android or iOS app are all you need to pop open this smart lock

Padlocks haven’t changed much in the past 100 or so years, have they?
You’re bang on the money there, but Noke (pronounced “no key”) is designed to drag them into the 21st century.
This padlock doesn’t require a key or a combination. Instead, it’s unlocked wirelessly via Bluetooth and a smartphone app: if your phone is within 10 feet of your Noke, it’ll be unlocked (assuming you’ve got the auto-unlock feature turned on, of course). You can also share access with friends – even on a one-time basis, if you want.

So if my phone battery dies, I’m screwed?
Nope. There’s another way to open it up: the Quick-Click code. You can set your own sequence of taps and clicks, and keying these manually into your Noke will unlock it.
The Noke runs off a battery too, and the makers say it’ll last a year with normal use. When it’s running out, you’ll see a notification light and you can replace it yourself, without the need for any tools.

Is it tough?
Oh yes. It’s made of hardened steel and boron and the makers say it can’t be shimmed open by a thief. It’s also water resistant, so you can use it to lock your garden shed, or your bike.
My bike?
Yes, Noke has an optional bicycle chain, as well as a mount so you can clip it securely to your ride’s frame when you’re on the go.
Which phones does it work with?
At launch, it’ll work with Bluetooth 4.0-equipped devices running Android 4.3 and above or iOS 7.0 and above.
Sweet – I have one of those. So I can buy it now?
Not yet. It’s currently a Kickstarter project, but has already hit its funding target and the makers estimate that they’ll start shipping units to backers in February 2015. In order to get on that list, you’ll need to back the project by US$59 (£35) or more (plus US$15 for postage to non-US addresses). The bike kit add-on is another US$20 (£12). When launched, the Noke will be sold for US$89 (£53).
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