Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II has “world’s most powerful” image stabilisation
The refreshed compact lens-swapper has 5-axis optical stabilisation to keep it steady even when your hands aren’t

The refreshed compact lens-swapper has 5-axis optical stabilisation to keep it steady even when your hands aren’t
Rumour has it Canon will unveil its new pro-level, accuracy-focussed DSLR in the next few days
It’s the latest small, light system camera to get in on the front-flipping screen craze
And it’s being backed up by the new screen-tilting, selfie-friendly Fujifilm X-A2 system camera
And it’s the company’s first DX-format DSLR to do so
It’s been another fantastic year for lens-swapping snappers, but Sony’s palm-sized 36MP stunner shines brightest
Five years from its debut, Canon’s “prosumer” DSLR is updated – but don’t expect any grand surprises
Sony’s first camera with 5-axis image stabilisation will let you take sharp shots in almost any situation
Sony’s camera is the littlest APS-C lens swapper in the world – but is it a case of small being beautiful?
A first look at one of the most hardcore compact system cameras to date
We stalked the halls of the world’s top camera show looking for sexy snappers… and here’s what we found